Search and watch services
Prior art searches and surveillance services are strategic tools for building an intellectual property right and protecting it over time.

What are search and watch services?
Search and watch services are strategic activities aimed at the proper creation of an intellectual property right and its protection over time, with a view to preserving its value and capability to contribute to the growth of your business. Through searches we can ascertain whether any rights are already held by third parties and so determine any risk of interference with the exclusive rights of others: for example, patents that protect all or part of the same innovative solution or identical or similar trademarks already registered for identical or similar products/services. With our watch services we can systematically keep track of the competitors’ activities in order to detect any intellectual property rights violations and, where necessary, take the most appropriate action both in and out of court.
Why use search and watch services?
Together with you, we will assess the results of search and watch services. If any earlier right is disclosed by the search, we study the most suitable ways to take in order to file a patent or register a trademark or design.
The watch results form the basis for assessing whether to challenge the grant or registration of an IP right or to oppose any online breaches, and for analysing the best strategy to pursue in each case.

How we operate
We conduct searches in Italy and abroad, using public and private international databases, in order to check the existence of any third-party earlier rights.
We carry out watch services – on a local or worldwide basis – in order to monitor the activities of third parties with the competent Patent and Trademark Offices.

Working together
Intellectual property consulting is not simply the execution of a series of predetermined steps: each company, each idea, each product is unique, and the value of our consulting service is expressed through our approach and strategies that are tailored to each client.
Multidisciplinary approach
With our team of specialized legal professionals and technical consultants, you find your one-stop reference for all your intellectual property needs.
Ongoing assistance
We support you both in the creation and in the enforcement of your intellectual property rights, taking the most appropriate actions to defend them and ensure recognition of their value.
Strategic vision
We devise ad hoc strategies to protect and add value to your intellectual property rights and to manage them as business resources with a view to increasing competitiveness, continuing to innovate and standing out on the market.
International outlook
We offer worldwide protection for your innovative ideas: we help you to establish a solid presence abroad thanks to our network of international partners.
From our offices in Modena, Bologna, Milan and Rome, we can provide our consulting services throughout Italy.
Write to us to find out how we can support your business and add value to your innovation.